Cruise Indonesia in luxury with Arenui - Limited availability 2020-2021

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Cruise Indonesia in luxury with Arenui - Limited availability 2020-2021

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Why does the Arenui cruise only the seas of Indonesia the year through? Here we have vast amounts of the most stunning and biologically diverse dive sites in the world.

On the Arenui, we meticulously plan our cruises, following the best dive sites and conditions over the year. Joining an Arenui cruise means the opportunity to experience the best diving this unique region has to offer; creating life-long memories as part of the Arenui family. Each area we cruise has its own exceptional qualities. Let us tell you a little more about each of them……


This hidden gem is unbeknown to some of even the keenest of divers. It is a rapidly up and coming destination and it’s not difficult to see why. Not only does Alor host the world’s best Rhinophia dive site but it is the only clear water critter Mecca in Indonesia. The magical anemone covered site of ‘Anemone City’ and pristine coral reefs gives divers the feeling they are part of a Disney movie. Here we also have the chance to meet whales, hammerheads, dugongs and the most peculiar and intriguing mola-mola. How about small critters? The sandy slopes of Tanjung Waiwowan is the perfect environment for different kinds of ghost pipefish including the very rare Halemeda ghost pipefish. Wunderpus and blue ring octopus have been spotted here before. During the night dive here, we can look out for juvenile brown-banded bamboo sharks, Helmut flying gurnards and frogfish crawling around the darkened site. During the cruise we can visit the famous Pura Island Villagers. We may watch them expertly dive underwater from their wooden dugout canoes wearing home-made goggles fashioned from wood and glass bottles. Alor is one of the best kept secrets for diving in paradise! From grand pelagic creatures to spectacular critters, what more could you ask for? Take your chance to experience the lesser known fantastical wonders of Alor.


  • ALOR (April 28 – May 8, 2020) -> CONTACT US
  • ALOR-KOMODO (May 10 – May 22, 2020) -> CONTACT US
  • ALOR-KOMODO (May 14 – May 25, 2021) -> CONTACT US
  • KOMODO-ALOR (Aug 16 – Aug 27, 2021) -> CONTACT US


Komodo Why is this renowned location so particularly special? Within this small area of the National Park, we have some of the world’s most diverse dive sites; hosting incredible marine menageries and array of different eco-systems. The underwater terrain presents many contrasts, with sheer cliff walls, pinnacles, sandy flat bottoms, underwater plateaus, slopes, caves, swim-throughs and channels – all with differing colors, sizes and types of both hard and soft corals. Elected by hundreds of millions of votes, Komodo is the only dive destination listed as one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature. Nowhere else on Earth can you meet a real-life dragon! Our Komodo trip may include a land excursion to encounter these mythical beasts. Within just 30 nautical miles we can dive two different oceans; the cooler waters of the Indian Ocean in the south and the warm areas of Pacific Ocean in central and northern regions. Komodo is a UNESCO site and reported by the Marine Megafauna Foundation to have the world’s highest population of manta rays. On our Komodo cruises, we will be diving in some of the very few locations on Earth where it is possible to find both reef and oceanic manta ray species. As you may know, nothing beats the emotive and magical moment one of these gentle giants crosses your path…you mustn’t forget to keep breathing! Komodo presents a wonderous amount of fascinating critters such as pygmy seahorses and rare nudibranchs. Here we can even dive over hot springs at an underwater volcano! Komodo offers a spectrum of wonder both above and below the sea. What better way to experience it than cruising in the ultimate luxury and comfort of the Arenui.


  • ALOR-KOMODO (May 10 – May 22, 2020) -> CONTACT US
  • KOMODO FOCUS (Jul 16 – Jul 24, 2020) -> CONTACT US
  • KOMODO FOCUS (Sep 28 – Oct 5, 2020) -> CONTACT US
  • ALOR-KOMODO (May 14 – May 25, 2021) -> CONTACT US
  • KOMODO-SUMBAWA (Jul 6 – Jul 15, 2021) -> CONTACT US

Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat Raja Ampat means ‘Four Kings’, referring to the four main islands of Waigeo, Salawati, Batanta and Misool. Here we find the epicenter of marine biodiversity with incredible reefs; it has it all. Raja Ampat is supported by currents extremely rich in plankton, resulting in huge schools of fish. An immense variety of critters and pelagics including manta rays and possible encounters with whales. An enormous 42 fish species are native to this world-renowned diving region. Underwater caves, mangroves, rainforest fjords inhabited by the most extraordinary and varied underwater life can be found here. Enjoy drift dives passing magnificent gorgonian sea fans which may be home to some endemic species of pygmy sea horses.


  • GREATER RAJA AMPAT (Dec 22,2020 – Jan 3, 2021) -> CONTACT US
  • GREATER RAJA AMPAT (Dec 22,2021 – Jan 4, 2022) -> CONTACT US

Have we piqued your interest?

More can be discovered about the incredible dive destinations offered by the Arenui here. Our schedule is frequently fully booked, far in advance. We do however have limited spaces available for the following cruises: *Exclusive!* The first above two cruises will be joined by Jose Castellano, a highly knowledgeable and passionate biologist. You may attend his lectures and talks free of change to satisfy all of your sea creature curiosities.To reserve your place or if you have any queries, please contact us

We hope to welcome you onboard soon!

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