A Call to Action! Sharks Need Your Help

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A Call to Action! Sharks Need Your Help

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Many shark populations are in a state of decline. Some countries have implemented policies that aim to protect sharks, but the details of these strategies vary widely. We aim to determine what policies are currently in place and how they work.

YOU CAN HELP! Report your observations, even if you've never seen a shark. The link to the new survey is: https://survey.zohopublic.com/zs/8kyY1g

HOW? /h4>If you consider yourself to be experienced and knowledgeable about an ocean area, please take 10 minutes to share your observations and insights.

NOTE THE DEADLINE! Surveys must be submitted before December 31, 2015.

SPREAD THE WORD! >Send the survey link to other marine explorers – including scuba divers, fishers, snorkelers, surfers, paddle boarders, and organizations around the world.

Follow the link on our website - www.eOceans.org – or follow the direct link above to take the survey!

Christine Ward-Paige, PhD

