Malaysia International Dive Expo postponed

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Malaysia International Dive Expo postponed

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With recent discussions held with event partners and the organising committee of MIDE, a new date for MIDE 2020 has been set from 4 to 6 December 2020 at the Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur. As such, with rescheduling of the expo to December, we are able to plan effectively using the ready platform to deliver the target visitors to the expo. The expo shall operate at full capacity to deliver its best ability to welcome all attendees, exhibitors and delegates to the expo to explore the business of diving.

We will continue to take necessary precautionary measures during the expo to ensure the safety of all attending the upcoming expo. We thank you for your kind understanding, support, cooperation and patience as we continue to navigate through this extraordinary time to deliver strong participation and attendees to the expo in December.

Though it’s a challenging time for all, nevertheless, let’s stay positive and manoeuvre through this tough time. Please feel free to reach out to us with any concerns and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.

Our best regards, stay safe and stay healthy,

The MIDE Organising Team
