Update from Waterproof

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Update from Waterproof

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Waterproof is fully operational and capable of handling all orders and customer services with staff capacity adapted for the needs.

Dear valued customer In recent weeks, Waterproof has carefully monitored the global Coronavirus pandemic and has been actively taking measures to respond to the rapidly changing situation—not only to ensure the health, wellbeing, and safety of our employees and their families but also to reduce any risk in the delivery of our products and services to our customers. Business continuity is one of our key priorities here at Waterproof and, to support this, we are even under these difficult circumstances still fully operational and capable of handling all your orders and customer services with staff capacity adapted for the needs. We have also due to the new situation worldwide started a program for direct deliveries to your end consumers to help you continue your business. If you contact our sales office we are happy to assist and help you. On behalf of our World Wide Waterproof Team, we would like to thank you all for your support in the past, and we can assure you that we will do everything in our power to help you so we can continue working together into the future. Yours sincerely Björn Ehlmé CEO