3D model still of 16th century ship found at Dungeness quarry
3D model still of 16th century ship found at Dungeness quarry

Remains of a rare Elizabethan-era ship found in quarry

Workers at a quarry near Dungeness made the dramatic discovery of a rare Elizabethan-era shipwreck on the coast of Kent while dredging gravel for building materials out of a lake in April.

The location is now some 300 metres from the coast, but archaeologists believe that the site was once right on the coastline. The vessel could have been wrecked or abandoned on the former shoreline, and then gradually buried in sediment as time passed and the headland expanded. 

Legends Beneath the Waves – Scandinavia

That the waters of Scandinavia are simply cold and dark is a point of view you often come across, even among some divers from the region. However, Scandinavian waters offer an enormous wealth of shipwrecks that can compare with the most famous sites. This includes Viking ships, well-preserved medieval wrecks in the brackish waters of the Baltic Sea to war wrecks from the world wars and sunken merchant vessels. In a comprehensive new work spanning two volumes, René B. Andersen and Andrew Marriott review a large number of exciting wrecks worth seeing and describe the dramatic events that led to their sinking.

We had a chat with René B. Andersen about the books.

Lusitania: The Underwater Collection, by Vic Verlinden

Lusitania: The Underwater Collection
Lusitania: The Underwater Collection

X-Ray Mag contributor, wreck diver and underwater photographer Vic Verlinden and his team conducted "Lusitania—Project 17," a five-year thorough study documenting and photographing the wreck. His efforts over five expeditions have resulted in this hardcover book, telling the story of this illustrious vessel.