Dive into Taiwan: Northeast Coast Treasures

Reef scene at Secret Garden, found along Taiwan's northeastern coast. Photo by Kyo Liu
Reef scene at Secret Garden, found along Taiwan's northeastern coast

Taiwan is a group of Pacific islands surrounded by warm tropical seas. It is easy to get to and get around, and it is also a first-world society with outgoing, friendly, laid-back people. Simon Pridmore gives us a glimpse into the beautiful dive sites and unique marine life that can be found here.

UW Photo: Compositing

Diver Space­scape, composite by John A. Ares
Diver Space­scape, composite by John A. Ares

We take photographs for different reasons: to identify the sea life we find, for the sheer pleasure of making images, or perhaps as a method of personal expression. It is the latter, personal expression, that leads us to the creation of art. John A. Ares discusses the creative use of compositing in postproduction.