A young coral colony (Acropora recruit) on the surface of a reef on the Great Barrier Reef.
A young coral colony (Acropora recruit) on the surface of a reef on the Great Barrier Reef.

Recovery of coral reefs

Understanding the recovery dynamics of corals is paramount to enabling the effective management of coral reefs. While detailed mechanistic models provide insight into reef recovery patterns, colony scale monitoring is not viable for reefs over a large geographical extent, such as the Great Barrier Reef (GBR).

She-P: The Sea Gods' Gift to Female Divers

She-P: pee-valve for female divers
She-P: pee-valve for female divers

For many female divers, especially those in technical diving, to be able to drink all the liquid one wants and actually needs before a dive, to avoid having to take off one’s drysuit and undergarments to relieve oneself, to avoid asking the guys to look away when using the “gal bucket” on board, and not to have the last part of a dive ruined by an urge to go, is really important.

Researchers deploying a suction-cup tag on a blue whale in California
Researchers deploying a suction-cup tag on a blue whale in California

Baleen whales eat more than previously thought

How much do baleen whales eat every day?

Researchers have discovered that baleen whales actually eat an average of three times more food than previously thought. This in turn means that we have been underestimating their impact  and contribution to ocean’s ecosystems.

This finding was shared in a paper in a recent issue of the Nature journal.