Dive Label

To clearly identify your own underwater photo gear, especially on crowded dive boats or in dive centres highly frequented by underwater photographers, labelling your photography or videography gear comes in handy.

The Japanese aircraft carrier Akagi pictured underway in the Summer of 1941.

Wrecks of two WW2 Japanese aircraft carriers found

This month's discoveries came after weeks of searching by crew members based on the research vessel Petrel. The vessel is owned by Vulcan Inc, a company created by the late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen.

One ship, the Kaga, was discovered last week, while wreckage from another carrier, Akagi, was found on Sunday, Vulcan Inc. said in a press release.

"Every shipwreck we find reminds us all of the ultimate sacrifice made by those who served their countries," said Robert Kraft, Vulcan Inc.'s director of undersea operations, in a press release. "Our team is truly honored to have discovered the Japanese Flagship Carrier, Akagi."