A cleaner wrasse interacts with its reflection in a mirror. A study, which suggests that fish might possess far higher cognitive powers than previously thought, has ignited an intense debate over how we assess the intelligence of animals

Do fish really possess higher cognitive powers?

Mirror self-recognition test

The standard method for testing whether an animal is self-aware is placing a mark on its body that cannot be viewed directly and then letting it have a look in a mirror. If the animal responds to its reflection and attempts to remove the mark it is considered evidence that the animal is self-aware.

Tim Saville
Tim Saville was a member of the Robin Hood Dive Club, England

A little good comes from Brit wreck diver's death

61-year-old Tim Saville was diving the wreck of the Titanic’s sister ship. At the time of writing this article, it is not known why Saville died.

There is a policy in place on Britannic that divers are not allowed to penetrate the wreck unless they are diving a rebreather because this will help preserve the ship. (Gas is expelled when diving open circuit scuba). It is understood that Saville was diving an X-CCR rebreather.

KELDAN Remote control

When I spotted this strange-looking, boxy gadget in Keldan’s booth at the Boot show in Düsseldorf, I had to inquire what it was. It turned out to be the prototype of an upcoming videolight controller with which the imagemaker can remotely adjust the output of two videolights directly from the camera housing.

Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush)
Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush)

Warmer waters in Ontario lakes messes with lake trout's diet

According to a new study, climate change is giving rise to changes in the diets of fishes in Ontario lakes, thereby altering the food webs there.

Researchers from the University of Guelph have discovered that the fish in Ontario lakes have been forced to forage in deeper waters due to the warmer average temperatures in the past decade. As a result, they consume prey species that are different from their normal diet, and this has led to a change in the flow of energy and nutrients in the lake.