Reef fish called Chromis viridis (blue-green chromis) and Chromis margaritifer (bicolor chromis) swim among the staghorn coral (Acropora acuminata) at Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge in the Pacific.

World’s Largest Marine Protected Area Designated by President Obama

President Obama announced today that he’s creating the world’s largest marine protected area.

The proclamation — which Secretary of State John F. Kerry announced during an oceans meeting he convened in New York on Thursday — will mean added protections for deep-sea coral reefs and other marine ecosystems that administration officials say are among “the most vulnerable” to the negative effects of climate change.

Egyptian Ahmed Gabr dives to a record 332.35 meters

It only took Gabr 12 minutes to reach the record-breaking depth, originally planned to be 350 meters.

Gabr utilized more than 60 different diving tanks and multiple gases simply to keep himself alive on the trek back to the surface.

A team of hyperbaric doctors developed custom-made decompression tables to help Gabr back on his feet upon completion of his record-breaking endeavour.

I travelled with nine tanks and decompressed for 14 hours," he told NBC News. Deep sea divers risk drowning, equipment malfunction or decompression sickness.

Mr. Bruce

Western Australia Shark Cull Rejected

The policy allowing for the culling of any sharks longer than 3m was introduced after seven lethal shark attacks in three years off West Australian beaches. WA’s government proposed the new program in an effort to keep beachgoers safe that involved setting out baited drum lines, which consist of a large baited hook attached to a buoy and an anchor to hold it in place, in designated zones along popular beaches with the intention of killing great white sharks, bull sharks and tiger sharks who were larger than three meters.

Over 30 years of searching has culminated with the sonar detection by a Canadian

Franklin shipwreck found in the arctic after 170 Years

One of two British explorer ships that vanished in the Arctic more than 160 years ago has been found, Canada's prime minister says.

Stephen Harper said it was unclear which ship had been found, but photo evidence confirmed it was one of them.

I am delighted to announce that this year’s Victoria Strait Expedition has solved one of Canada’s greatest mysteries, with the discovery of one of the two ships belonging to the Franklin Expedition lost in 1846.