Fluoro Diving and Photography

As day turned to night, two Australian icons— Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House— were silhouetted on the skyline. In the fading light, we prepared our equipment for another excursion into Australia’s temperate seas to discover and prove the existence of fluorescing marine life forms in environments other than tropical oceans.

Lionfish are an invasive species taking over coral reefs and preying on native fish in the Atlantic Ocean’s waters
Lionfish are an invasive species taking over coral reefs and preying on native fish in the Atlantic Ocean’s waters

Most lionfish too deep for divers to reach

Lionfish, which have spines that contain venom, are a well-known problem in Atlantic coral reefs. These invaders from the tropical parts of the Pacific and Indian oceans have no natural predators in the Atlantic Ocean. They are eradicating many fish populations in the shallow reefs that they have overtaken. Recently, the overwhelming problem has proven worse than originally thought.