This blue whale was encountered near the Channel Islands of California.
This blue whale was encountered near the Channel Islands of California.

Sustainable shipping program protects endangered whales

Ship strikes are a major threat to whales globally and to the recovery of endangered blue, fin, and humpback whales in California waters. From 2007-2022, observed and documented deaths totalled 52 endangered whales, likely representing a small fraction of the annual total number of ship strikes.


The voluntary incentive program ran from May 1, 2022 through December 15, 2022, with twenty-three shipping companies participating. The 10-knot target allowed ships to travel at an efficient operating load using less fuel and producing less pollution.

Taiwan's Green Island

Taiwan's Green Island lives up to its name.
Taiwan's Green Island lives up to its name.

Green Island is considered Taiwan’s diving heartland by local divers, and hence, it is an essential rite of passage to do a dive trip there. Now, divers from abroad are discovering the joys of its beautiful underwater realm. Simon Pridmore gives us an inside look.

Titanic shipwreck recreated in detailed 3D visualisation

An ambitious digital imaging project has produced what researchers describe as a “digital twin” of the R.M.S. Titanic, showing the wreckage of the doomed ocean liner as if the water has been drained away.

The model was created with data using deep-sea mapping gathered by two submersibles—named Romeo and Juliet—during a six-week expedition to the North Atlantic wreck site in the summer of 2022, to map “every millimetre” of the wreckage as well as the entire three-mile debris field.