Dive Rite Nomad Ray Sidemount System
Backed by years of development, field testing and feedback from leading sidemount divers, the US-made, flat, streamlined and ergonomically shaped Nomad Ray is suitable for all skill levels, warm or cold water, aluminum or steel tanks, entry-level to technical dives.

With 42lb lift capacity, it provides buoyancy needed for multiple stage/deco bottles and heavy steel tanks.
Features include abrasion-resistant “skid plate;” fast-drying, durable, slash-resistant SuperFabric material; independently adjustable harness design and replaceable shoulder and waist webbing; fast, tool-free bungee length adjustment system; quick-adjust belly band with custom molded bungee hook; custom-designed marine-grade stainless steel waist transition plates, sliding and drop down D-rings, bungee retention slides and dog bone crotch strap double D-ring; three integrated weight pockets with zipper access on the inside of the wing; padded pocket walls; multiple mounting options to keep inflator nearby; two pull dumps/OPVs; and the lowest possible profile with quick access to add/adjust trim weights.
Weighs 5.7lbs (2.6kg). Comes in five colors: black, blue, pink, red and OD green. Optional bailout bladder with 25lb (11.3kg) lift capacity available.