Emperor Divers Creates a Fun and Educational Social Media Schedule for Divers

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Emperor Divers Creates a Fun and Educational Social Media Schedule for Divers

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Here is a copy of this weeks schedule. Please visit the Emperor Divers Facebook page for updates on next weeks schedule. MONDAY 'Fish out of water' - hear about one of our team and what they are doing in these strange times. TUESDAY A facebook live presentation at 13:30 BST / 12.30 GMT for divers and sea lovers (from Sonia, Bernie, Saad, Ahmed, Gabby & Maria and others). WEDNESDAY Another 'Fish out of water'. THURSDAY Tracy is going to make a facebook live presentation at 11:00 BST / 10:00 GMT for kids aged 6 to 12 years with a quiz at the end. FRIDAY Our team will find a popular post from the archives to share with you again. SATURDAY Yet another 'Fish out of water' (hey we have a big Team!). SUNDAY Dive site challenge! We will post a hand drawn map and a clue and give you 2 hours to guess the right dive site. www.facebook.com/emperordiversofficial