How to post articles on our website

These videos show an older version of our website but basic operations and principles remain the same.

Part 1 - Preparing texts and images + content curation

Before we can upload anything we need to find, assess and edit/write a post and find images, graphics and/or videos to go with it.

Either we outright author the article ourselves. Or we write up a post based on other sources -  as is mostly the case when we report on news; In doing so we apply a process which is widely known as content curation.

Content Curation is a process whereby the editor or columnist continually finds, groups, organizes and shares the best and most relevant content on a specific topic online.

Part 2  - uploading

Basic uploading is quite simple: Copy and paste in the prepared texts and upload one or more images and/or videos

This video explains how the upload interface is organised and how we apply various settings such as subheaders, captions, image credits... (etc)

Part 3  - tweaks and reposting on social media

This video explains some altertive settings such as embedding videos and put up images in the top gallery.

It also explains how to easily repost uploaded articles on Facebook and Twitter as part on a continuous process.

Access to Hootsuite

In the last of the three videos it is mentioned that we post tweets - which our site can do automatically - through a Twitter management dashboard first. We do this in order to be able to amend images to our tweets, which our website's twitter interface is not capable of including, and to possible edit the text a bit.

Our website tweets to an intermediary and non-public account . This is imported automatically into Hootsuite where we can easily reformat it and amend the said image (which can be grabbed from the website) and repost the tweet to our public Twitter account, .

Access credentials:

Pw: XrayHootsuite2017##
