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Update: Dive Munda Phase 2 Youth Training Sponsorship Campaign
Press Release
Congratulations to the first 12 local Munda youth that have now successfully completed their SSI Advance Adventurer course!
The past 2 weeks, we saw the awesome launch of Phase 2 of our Youth Sponsorship Program.
We want to thank our fabulous sponsors below for creating these awesome opportunities for our youth!
Marie Blevin & Dario Accoto;
David Strassman
Noboro Yamabe
Shane MacKay
Bruce Wynia
Michael Gaumann
Although our borders remain closed for now, we continue to focus on doing good for our oceans, reefs, communities, youth and sharks! Making a difference during the #covid19 crisis..... #weareallinthistogether #bethechange #communities #conservation #plasticfree #coralrestoration
Some of the incredible initiatives you can still participate in during Phase 2 of our Youth Training Sponsorship Program:
1. Train a group of 12 local girls certified under phase 1 to start off the Munda plastic recycling project.
2. Train a group of 15 local Munda certified youth under Phase 1 to spearhead our coral restoration and rehabilitation program.
3. With your donation, we will embark upon monthly beach and underwater clean-up dives.
4. Sponsor a local youth to do the SSI Advance Adventurer certification course. We will offer this course at the same special subsidized rate of $250 AUD per certification. We already have 15 sponsors lined up for this!
It is not too late, connect today by sending us an email to dive@divemunda.com and you can select a credit card payment or bank transfer payment or you can Donate to our fundraiser page.