University of Florida biologist Karly Cohen operating the ROV from a pier in Seattle
University of Florida biologist Karly Cohen operating the ROV from a pier in Seattle

Shedding light on the mysterious ghost shark

In a bid to learn more about ghost sharks, researchers from the University of Florida (UF) and the Seattle Aquarium are using remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) to explore the oceanic depths 100 meters below the surface of the Pacific Northwest.

In particular, they want to find the nesting grounds of the Pacific spotted ratfish, as currently very little is known about their spawning habits and embryonic development.

Tetra fish
Tetra fish

Neon tetra fish wait their turn when evacuating through narrow opening

Scientists have observed neon tetra fish queuing up when exiting through a narrow opening, according to a study in the journal Scientific Reports.

In the study, Aurélie Dupont, a biological physicist in the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique at University Grenoble Alpes, and her team set up two fish tanks connected to each other by a narrow opening. The diameter of the passageway varied from 1.5 to 4 centimeters.

World map of Chlorophyll-a
World map of Chlorophyll-a phytoplancton. Greener tones imply higher phytoplankton activity whereas deeper blues suggest less life.

Oceans are changing colour due to climate change

According to satellite data, 56 percent of the world's oceans have experienced a colour change from blue to green over the past 20 years. The changes are especially noticeable in tropical areas close to the Equator.

According to researchers, the gradual greening of our oceans indicates how climate change is affecting aquatic life.

Sequential Shots

The transition from analog to digital cameras has been a boon for photographers, granting them unlimited shots and freedom of movement. These circumstances lend themselves well to the technique of shooting sequential stills. Underwater photographer Claudio Ziraldo shares his insights and tips on taking sequential shots underwater.