Bracenet, ghost diving, ghost fishing, Pascal van Erp, Healthy Seas, Benjamin Wenke,  Rosemary E Lunn, Roz Lunn, X-Ray Mag, XRay Magazine
640,000 tons of fishing nets are annually lost or dumped at sea. Bracenet repurposes some of this lost net in their bracelets

Bracenet donates €50K to Healthy Seas

The German-based enterprise makes ethical bracelets from recycled marine materials, ie diver-recovered ghost fishing nets. Every bracelet purchased raises funds to remove more of this plastic trash / rubbish from our oceans and coastlines. 

We donate a fixed amount up to €5 to 'Healthy Seas' for every product sold. Benjamin Wenke

Emperor Divers Awards 5th ‘Covid Diver Hero’ with Maldives Liveaboard Trip

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that so far every one of our recognised heroes has been working in the hospitals throughout, deep down we all know that that is where the effects of corona are most keenly felt. At this point we get to recognise our 5th winner, another awesome hero from the diving community working in the intensive care wards battling the terrible effects of this virus. Ingrid Stubeliusaged 38 nominated by her husband Fredrik wins a free liveaboard trip in the Maldives, and here is her story: