Emperor Divers Recognizes 4th ‘Covid Diver Heroes’ Award

Nominated by David White, Phuong Cao wins a free liveaboard trip in the Maldives when she can finally take some time off, and here is her story:

I, David White, would like to nominate Phuong Cao (36) for her tireless efforts fighting this pandemic. Not satisfied with being a frontline hospitalist in New York she took a second job on the COVID team in Guam to treat patients under even tougher conditions on her weeks off!

Samples of carbonate rocks from the Del Mar East Methane Seep Field, USA
Samples of carbonate rocks from the Del Mar East Methane Seep Field, USA

Deep-sea bacteria release carbon into the atmosphere

Researchers made the discovery when they studied sulfur-oxidising bacteria in methane seeps on the ocean floor at the Del Mar East Methane Seep Field, USA. These seeps contain collections of limestone that trap large amounts of carbon.

They then observed that in the process of oxidising sulfur, the bacteria creates an acidic reaction that dissolves the rocks and this causes the carbon trapped inside the limestone to be released.

Their findings was published in the The ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology