The stuff of dreams! Financially significant artifacts recovered from shipwrecks off the coast of Florida

Returning cultural heritage to its rightful owner

Earlier that summer, the government of Spain successfully argued that, under the terms of international Sovereign Immunity, it never abandoned or otherwise relinquished its ownership of the Nuestra Senora de las Mercedes, which sunk during a sea battle with the British Navy in 1804. At the time of its loss, the Mercedes was sailing back to Spain from South America.

Odyssey has said that it will appeal Judge Pizzo’s ruling and will “vigorously defend” its right to the treasure. The 500,000 plus coins remain under lock and key in the company’s warehouse.

Humpback whale breaching

Humpback whale numbers soar off Australia

After hitting a low of 300 individuals 30 years, humpback whale numbers off Australia’s east coast are soaring. Researchers from Australia’s Organization for the Rescue and Research of Cetaceans (ORRCA) are hoping for an increase in whale migration numbers this year. Census results from the past 21 years indicate an annual 10-15 per cent increase in whale migration numbers.

Two-masted schooner in Lake Michigan identified as the Hamilton

The identification of the wreck, which sits upright in 85m (275 ft) of water off Saugatuck, took over a year and was facilitated by technical scuba divers Todd White of Saugatuck, Bob Underhill of Kalamazoo and Jeff Vos of Holland working in conjunction with Michigan Shipwreck Research Associates (MSRA). These three divers comprise the premiere deep technical dive team in West Michigan.