The 2020 edition of DEMA Show turned out to be a sinker

DEMA Show 2020 … what a bellyflop!

This review comes on the coat tails of the other virtual dive show, Scuba.Digital, which we attended a few weeks prior and the conclusions are just about the same; The conference component in which attendees can listen into a range of webinar-style presentations worked reasonably well.

The rest of it, however, such as networking activities which is an essential part and, to entities like ourselves, the most important aspect of taking part in dive shows, absolutely did not.

Branding Videos & Digital Media Marketing

Social media and influencer promotion is becoming a larger part of the digital marketing mix each year.

Branding videos, sponsored posts, social media marketing... confused? We interviewed digital media marketing consultant and underwater photographer Brent Durand to get the scoop on what these services are and how they can benefit your dive business and increase your sales.