Rich marine life at the French Frigate Shoals in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument.

Fish learn to stay within marine reserves–where it's safe

Researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC) discovered that some fish have learnt to stay within marine reserves where they are safe from fishing, demonstrating the importance of such facilities. They made the discovery after modelling the movements of skipjack and bluefin tuna and great white sharks in the ocean.

Personal Safety at Sea: Communicating with the Dive Boat

The Iridium Extreme lets one send an SMS text message, at set time intervals, with exact location coordinates to anyone, from anywhere on the planet. Photo courtesy of the manufacturer.

One of the things close to everyone’s thoughts is diver safety. We spend good money on quality dive gear and prudently have it frequently serviced and maintained, as this equipment will be sustaining our lives while underwater. But what about when we are on the surface? Just how many of us really do think about getting lost at sea?