In the digital realm, “content is king” means creating authentic, original stories that have tangible value to the audience.

Content Creation

A writer paints a word picture and a photographer aims to tell a story with images rather than words. A Content Creator takes both mediums – words and imagery – and assembles them into elements suitable for a wide range of media products, from word-centric documents, image-centric posts, social media shares, audio and video files to searchable lists.

Researchers use squid ink to diagnose gum disease

To diagnose gum disease, dentists insert a thin metal probe between the tooth and gum to measure the amount of gum that has shrunk back from the tooth. The depth to which the tool can be inserted indicates the severity of the gum disease.

Apart from being invasive and uncomfortable, this method of diagnosis is sometimes painful for the patient. In addition, the measurements are viable, as the probe can measure only one portion of the tooth at a time.

Enter Jesse Jokerst.