
Content Creation

Content Creation

In the ever-changing world of media, print no longer has the dominant impact it once enjoyed as digital mediums continue to seek new ways to attract audience attention.

Both marketing research and personal experience points to the fact that conventional methods are increasingly less effective, and pay-per-click and post boosting can be quite expensive and not always effective.

The emerging alternative is actually a new take on a proven strategy, tracing back to the old saying that “content is king.” In the digital realm, this means creating authentic, original stories that have tangible value to the audience.

The Internet rewards such content through both search and sharing, and audiences are far more likely to believe and respond to this type of content. This is where we excel.

In the digital realm, “content is king” means creating authentic, original stories that have tangible value to the audience.

A writer paints a word picture and a photographer aims to tell a story with images rather than words. A Content Creator takes both mediums – words and imagery – and assembles them into elements suitable for a wide range of media products, from word-centric documents, image-centric posts, social media shares, audio and video files to searchable lists.

Providing the expertise

Today’s marketing demands new strategies in the form of content creation. Most businesses understand this for targeted marketing, but lack the expertise or resources to properly deliver anything more than the occasional Facebook post or perhaps an e-newsletter.

What goes into X-Ray Magazine does not stay solely with us. Any article that we have rendered can be repurposed into a standalone PDF to be used, distributed or shared by our client however they see fit.

Specialized agency

We provide full-spectrum content creation and marketing services, specializing in recreational diving and dive tourism.

Among our suite of professional services – photography, copywriting, design and layout for both print and digital media, etc. – our specialties also include proactive content generation and ad placement services, organic marketing initiatives and social media maintenance for a select range of clients.

Need imagery?

Open Source Imagery Creation

Imagery published in articles created for X-Ray Mag will be made available to the client royalty free. Use of additional imagery from other sources can only be provided as negotiated and agreed upon.

Our specialties also include proactive content generation and ad placement services, organic marketing initiatives and social media maintenance for a select range of clients.

Fact file

Among our suite of professional services – photography, copywriting, design and layout for both print and digital media, etc. – our specialties also include proactive content generation and ad placement services, organic marketing initiatives and social media maintenance for a select range of clients.
