Recent research reveals that wildfires impact not only terrestrial but also aquatic ecosystems.

Wildfires can affect aquatic ecosystems

Led by the laboratory of Professor Jonathan Shurin at the School of Biological Sciences, the research examines how aquatic systems respond to burnt plant matter, including its effects on food webs. Published in the journal Global Change Biology, two studies by the researchers highlight several key findings. They demonstrate that wildfires chemically alter plant debris, fundamentally shifting the role of aquatic ecosystems in the carbon cycle. Additionally, the research underscores the importance of these ecosystems as carbon sinks, storing carbon in their sediments.

Ricard Buxo: Pioneer of Diving in Raja Ampat

Undeniably one of the world’s extraordinary destinations, Raja Ampat blends breath-taking, above-water landscapes with a staggering abundance of marine biodiversity, into a remarkable combination that draws divers from all corners of the globe. Don Silcock writes about one of the pioneers of diving in this region, Ricard Buxo.