Snail-inspired trash-collecting robot to target microplastics

Scientists have developed a small robotic device that can collect microplastics from the surfaces of oceans, seas and lakes. 

Plastic collection devices currently in use mostly use drag nets or conveyor belts to retrieve plastic debris from the ocean. These, unfortunately, are unable to collect microplastics, which enter our food chain after they are consumed by marine animals that eventually end up on our dinner plates.

Brittle star

Brittle stars can learn without a brain

Instead of a brain or eyes, brittle stars have nerve cords that run down each of their five arms, which join to form a nerve ring near the mouth. 

Nonetheless, according to a recent study, they possess the ability to learn by association, which involves making an association with different stimuli via a process called classical conditioning (like Pavlov’s dogs or us learning not to touch a pot of boiling water after we had been scalded before.

DEMA 2023: The tech community’s farewell party for Bret Gilliam

Bret Gilliam was a larger-than-life personality—dare we say, character—in the dive industry. Over a 50-year career, he was involved with several dive-industry firsts, holding a number of influential postings, including serving on the boards of NAUI and IANTD, as well as CEO of TDI. But he was most known for being a co-founder of what would become the largest technical diver training agency in the world, TDI.