Great Barrier Reef potato cod at risk from own friendliness

Potato cod in Queensland are at risk and their placid and curious nature appears to be playing a major part. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) is investigating reports that illegal fishing and fish 'framing' are responsible for declining potato cod numbers at the Cod Hole, a popular dive site off Lizard Island.

The salmon shark is a species of mackerel shark found in the northern Pacific ocean.

New research reveals life history of salmon sharks

As the saying goes, you are what you eat. Researchers at Stanford University's Hopkins Marine Station are using this adage to better understand the life history of the salmon shark. An important apex predator and cousin of the great white, this far-ranging species roams the entire North Pacific Ocean, from Alaska to the warm sub-tropics of Hawaii and the Baja Peninsula

Humpback Whale
Humpback Whale

Humpbacks make 'tick-tock' sounds to flush out hiding fish

Scientists have known that humpback whales have a trick or two when it comes to finding prey at the bottom of the ocean, but how they locate a meal at night with little or no light has remained a mystery.

A new study has analyzed the importance of specific auditory cues that the creatures emit as they search the deep ocean for prey. 'Humpback whales are known to cooperate with others to corral prey near the surface,' said Professor Susan Parks of Syracuse University. “Recent studies suggest they may cooperate [with each other], when feeding on bottom prey, as well”, she added.

Tourists more concerned about Great Barrier Reef threats than world heritage status

A recent study by James Cook University has revealed tourists are more worried about an oil spill ruining the Great Barrier Reef than it being stripped of its World Heritage status. A team of researchers from JCU’s Business School, led by tourism expert Professor Bruce Prideaux, surveyed 980 visitors to Far North Queensland between September 2013 and February 2014.

The study explored Cairns tourists’ thoughts as to how the marine park may be affected by a range of threats, including oil spills, coral bleaching and UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee listing the site as “in danger”.