A starfish suffering from the wasting disease has begun to fall apart

Virus cause of sea star wasting disease

The first symptom is white lesions that appear on the surface of the starfish and spread rapidly, followed by decay of tissue around the lesions. Eventually, the sea stars' bodies begin to break down; Limbs pull away from the sea stars' bodies and organs exude through their skin and the starfish dies within a few days.

In a paper in this week's issue of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, microbiologist Ian Hewson of Cornell University and colleagues present the results of genomic analysis of the virus prevalent in symptomatic sea stars.

A free-standing red mangrove tree growing in shallow water in the Everglades National Park

Mangroves protect coral from climate change

Coral reefs make up some of the most biologically diverse habitats on Earth and face many threats such as coastal pollution, dredging and disease. However, some of their most widespread threats involve warming ocean temperatures, solar radiation and increased ocean acidification. It is from these threats that corals are finding refuge under the red mangroves.

Scars reveal humpback migration routes

Although humpbacks migrate between their polar feeding grounds and the warmer waters where they breed, the exact routes they take have remained a mystery. By studying the types of scars on humpback whales and how recently they were made, researchers from the University of Pretoria’s Mammal Research Institute can now determine routes the whales took before arriving in their breeding grounds off the west coast of South Africa, Namibia and Gabon.

Western Australia implements Internet shark tracker

In a world-first, the public is getting the opportunity to assist monitoring shark movements off the Western Australia coast in a bid to reduce the number of attacks. The Department of Fisheries has updated its Sharksmart website, which will digitally map all reported shark sightings from the public, surf lifesavers and other agencies.” We want to give beachgoers the latest information so they can make informed decisions about their water use," said Lisa Clack, manager of the department's shark response unit.