Tech and Training

Technical Diving & Training

All the Trimmings: Tips to Improve Your Efficiency in Water with Good Trim

Scuba diver
With good trim, divers are more efficient and can stay longer and safer underwater.

Trim is a misunderstood, and often poorly rectified, scuba skill. In our scuba journey, trim is something that we may or may not encounter or discuss, unless we get into technical diving or more advanced recreational diving. Francesco Cameli offers insight and advice in how to improve your trim and increase your efficiency in the water.

Thermal stress

A rapid chilling of superficial skeletal muscles (conductive cooling) creates a crippling weakening.

Thermal issues affect the comfort, performance and decompression stress experienced by divers. The impact varies with the timing, direction and magnitude of the thermal stress. Thermal protection can be provided by a variety of passive and active systems. Active systems should be used with particular care since they can markedly alter inert gas exchange and decompression risk.

Buddy Dive Resort Bonaire Announces New PADI Instructor Development Course Dates

The courses offer the perfect preparation for a career in the dive industry. Our Course Directors and IDC Staff Instructors transfer their years of practical experience with great enthusiasm.

When choosing Buddy Dive Resort for an Instructor Development Course, IDC candidates will learn the tricks of the trade at a resort that has been known for its top diving operation for 40 years.

The Generic Breathing Machine: Front-Mounted Rebreather Innovation

Gregory Borodiansky diving his Generic Breathing Machine (GBM), a front-mounted rebreather he invented
Gregory Borodiansky diving his Generic Breathing Machine (GBM), a front-mounted rebreather he invented

Technical diving instructor and inventor Gregory Borodiansky is qualified to dive 20 different rebreathers. He is also a rebreather instructor on many units and a rebreather instructor trainer. Since Borodiansky has a background in electronic engineering and computer science, he took the features he liked on each unit and designed a front-mounted rebreather. Larry Cohen reports.

Ghost Net Recovery in the Baltic Sea

A ghost net at the stern of the Elbing IX floats 20m above the wreck, trapping and killing marine life
A ghost net at the stern of the Elbing IX floats 20m above the wreck, trapping and killing marine life

It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of tons of ghost nets lie at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, often caught on shipwrecks, many of which are historical in significance. The Baltic Sea Heritage Rescue Project brings together volunteers from all over the world with the drive to locate, document and remove such ghost nets from wrecks in the Baltic Sea, thus saving marine life, protecting the wrecks and keeping their stories alive.

Developing a Scuba Sixth Sense

A term that has crept into discussions of scuba diving safety comparatively recently is “situational awareness,” a concept that originally arose in the field of aviation but has now been extended to a wide range of human activities, from medicine and motoring to personal security and law enforcement. Simon Pridmore offers insights and advice on safe diving with a scuba sixth sense.