
Sharks Don't Sink

Jasmin Graham, a young Black scientist, defies traditional academia by following her passion for sharks, forming an inclusive organization, and championing both marine life and social justice.

Book cover
Jasmin Graham
Publishing Info

Jul 16, 2024
224 Pages
5-1/2 x 8-1/4
ISBN 9780593685259

Sharks Don't Sink tells the inspiring story of Jasmin Graham, a young Black scientist who navigates the challenging waters of academia by drawing inspiration from sharks, nature's most misunderstood creatures. Sharks have existed for over 400 million years, teaching us valuable lessons about survival and adaptability. When traditional paths to becoming a marine biologist felt restrictive, Graham took the lesson of sharks to heart: keep moving forward.

Graham and three other Black women, founded Minorities in Shark Sciences (MISS) to support young women of colour in marine sciences. Embracing her role as an independent researcher, Graham became a rogue scientist dedicated to understanding and preserving sharks.

In this memoir, Graham shares thrilling tales of her journey and the incredible world of sharks, including discoveries of ancient species and their remarkable adaptations. She draws parallels between sharks' struggles and marginalized communities, emphasizing the importance of empathy and advocacy.

Sharks Don't Sink is a powerful narrative that intertwines science and social justice. It urges readers to respect and protect both the natural world and each other.
