DIVING talks - International Diving Congress
Press Release
Diving Talks – Portugal 2021 – International Diving Congress will take place in Portugal from October 8 to 10 at the Tróia Peninsula, a gigantic sand dune forming over thousands of years, with the Atlantic Ocean to the west and the West Sado estuary to the east. This privileged setting, with beach, dune, marsh, estuary and pine forest environments, is a fantastic location for the gathering of the diving community.
The attractiveness of the Diving Talks International Congress arises mainly from the Speakers panel. Divers, researchers, explorers such as Cristina Zenato, Jill Heinerth, Natalie Gibb, Sylvia Earle, Ahmed Gabr, Mark Powell, Martyn Farr, and Sami Paakkarinen are some examples of the influential group that will share their recent contributions at the beautiful Tróia Resort.

But the venue and the fact that everything is being prepared for Diving Talks to be an event for non-divers too makes this Portuguese first edition the meeting you shouldn’t miss. It will be an inclusive event: one fantastic weekend for taking your family and partners with you; hence, several side events are being prepared purposely for those who don’t wish to attend the talks. Tours in the region, sailing the Sado River, or visiting wineries where you will have a taste of the best wines produced in this part of Alentejo. Better not to say more, the idea is to have divers attending the Talks.

Diving Talks will be a different concept also for the brands. The organization objective is to offer the attendees co-branded experiences during the weekend, giving sponsors a pretext for a more robust engagement with their audience.

Having said all this, our recommendation: don’t wait to register to be part of this new event. The number of attendees is limited by the health authority recommendations.
Register now! https://www.divingtalks.com/tickets
Diving Talks Youtube channel
Check out and SUBSCRIBE to the DIVING talks 2021 Youtube channel. Watch the Speakers introductions and other clips about the event and the venue.
- Arlindo Serrao
- Paulo Costa
- Cristina Rocha Antunes
Arlindo Serrão
E-mail: arlindo.serrao@portugaldive.com
Mobile: +351 964643858
MEDIA KIT: https://www.divingtalks.com/media-kit/