
Yucatán – the entire experience, please!

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Yucatán – the entire experience, please!


With Yucatán Dive Trek divers get to know the best dive spots and cultural highlights of the Yucatán peninsula in Mexico.

The local provider puts together individual travel modules that provide unique experiences.

Diving at Cenotes Angelita

Yucatán is a top destination for divers. Many dream destinations rely on one particular highlight, maybe a certain aquatic species or a special wreck. The Yucatán peninsula, however, offers a sheer abundance of great dives and snorkeling experiences that could not be more diverse. Tour operator Yucatán Dive Trek offers tailor-made tours, and the programs they put together take into consideration the preferences of the guests and their budget. Services the company does not operate themselves will be run in cooperation with partner companies who may not be the cheapest, but who are the best.

For example an itinerary can start in Cancún at the north of the Yucatán peninsula, where the guests can snorkle off the coast to see whale sharks in summer and sailfish in winter. Proceeding south, the next stop is the Mayan Riviera and its famous Cenotes. The cavern and cave systems, part of the world’s longest underwater river systems, guarantee fascinating plays of light, haloclines, and hydrosulfate layers. Gran Cenote, Angelita, Ponderosa: Whoever has already done some research on this will be keen to dive there. Especially before the first dive, but also prior to all subsequent ones, a detailed and thorough briefing is standard – at least with Yucatán Dive Trek. Diving in overhead environments is not without danger and requires a solid preparation. Yucatán Dive Trek offes cavern and cave dives for both recreational and technical divers and provides all gas mixes and equipment needed as well as competent and qualified guides.

Before reaching Xcalak, at the southern end of Yucatán, one could take a side trip to the spectactular Mayan site of Calakmul, seldom visited by tourists, or to one of the small colonial villages such as Valladolid to enjoy their colourful Mexican heritage.

Xcalak is home to Javier Salas’ excellently equipped dive center, also the owner of Yucatán Dive Trek. The dive centre is located in the midst of the Xcalak Reef National Marine Park, home to the Great Maya Reef, the second largest reef in the world. Again, recreational and technical divers are well taken care of and training is also available on request.

In the marine sanctuary, one can dive with gigantic tarpon along mostly intact reefs, and with some luck the knowledgeable guides may even find some manatees. One of the highlights in the region is an excursion to the atoll of Banco Chinchorro, a false atoll and offshore reef, with its small islands bordered with mangroves. During the summer months, Yucatán Dive Trek offers spectactular and unique crocodile encounters, where safety aspects have the highest priority. But even if one is not keen to meet the reptiles at eye level, there are still beautiful dive spots with wrecks, reef landscapes covered with soft corals, and fish typical for the Caribbean to be found.

Yucatán Dive Trek will exhibit for the first time at the boot show in Duesseldorf in 2016 from January 23 until 31. The booth number in hall 3 is 3E86.
