
SNSI Announces Totally Interactive Digital Educational Materials

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SNSI Announces Totally Interactive Digital Educational Materials


SNSI continues to lead the way in offering modern technology and creating new tools for its’ rapidly growing international membership.

We adhere to our founding philosophy to invest in our members by continually providing the most advanced tools and technology in education, rather than continuously spending in self-promotion. Our commitment is to our professional membership and via our members ultimately to ALL our divers. We want to assure you that we at SNSI continue to strive to meet all expectations while we continue to grow together and your loyalty is most appreciated by SNSI.

Six years ago we began offering our members digital materials for all levels of training, says Fulvia Lami, CEO. We also put our training videos on You Tube, freely and easily accessible. Today we are happy to continue to be in the vanguard of Scuba Education by being the first ISO approved agency to offer our Educational Materials in a fully interactive format.

This is a great way to attract the younger and more affluent technology savvy groups to our sport. Whether you read on a computer, tablet or phone, our award winning fully interactive training materials are greatly impacting the industry and forcing others to follow. Now our clients are able to purchase a kit through the Dive Center, read and watch the videos and answer the review questions. Everything that we expect from today’s technology, wherever they are most comfortable, even at 30,000 feet while on a plane…without wi-fi!

To preview a free sample chapter in one of the many languages available, click here

Six years ago we became the first to offer our Instructors unlimited access to our virtual classroom system and we continue to be the innovators by offering our educators the most Modern and Flexible Educational System.

Experience has taught us that the Dive Centers and Instructors prefer options in the delivery of educational materials, at SNSI the customer has the choice: Whether, you prefer printed materials, digital, interactive or on-line training, we offer you the ability to offer your divers all the options.
